
I'm Moritz Rehbach, a web developer from Cologne, Germany.

I love full-stack development as well as modern frontend development, above all I like to learn from others, grow my skills, and sometimes even help others when I can.

If you have received an e-mail with a PGP signature from me or if you want to send me encrypted e-mail, please visit my Contact page

About this page

This is my personal website, it has no commercial purpose.
I do not sell any goods or services on this site, nor do I make money through affiliate links or similar things. There are no ads or tracking scripts on this site and no external resources are loaded without your consent.

I do not work as a freelance developer, only as an employee.
The content of this website is my own. This includes all images, unless otherwise noted. Liability and opinions are my own and not with any past or future employer.

Toy projects

Projects I did to learn certain technologies, realize ideas, or just for fun.


This is water.

This is a water-like picture generated by StableDiffusion. It makes no sense.
I love water and the ocean, but I rarely see oceans since I live in an ugly a big city far away from the sea. Cologne has a river at least!

Moritz in Quiberon, France

This is me walking an actual beach in Quiberon, France. One of those rare lucky times in my life when I made it to an actual beach. 🙂

Music that I like

Some random spotify playlists that help me unwind

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Spotify® and the Spotify logo are registered trademarks by Spotify AB. I am not affiliated with Spotify.
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